What is the secret of happy life?
- Never regret anything in life. You can't change the past, but you can certainly do something about the future.
- Force yourself to smile, even if there's nothing to smile about. Blood will start flowing into the brain again.
- Do something crazy, without breaking the law, of course. You'll not forget that in a long while, and you'll smile each time you remember it.
- Help someone in need. Get out and find a beggar or a hungry child, and buy her/him a loaf of bread. Don't give them money.
- Watch Mr. Bean or Daliso Chaponda on YouTube. It will help change the perspective of things, and put you on a laughter trajectory.
- Remember an important event that happened in your life some time in the past, and dwell there for a while. It will help trigger your serotonin and get you back on a happy mood once again.
- Do not let the past overtake you, however negative it may seem. You can do better than that. More importantly, the future is always brighter than the past.
- Do not stick your neck for the mistakes of others. It's not your fault. Let them pay the price so that they can also have the opportunity to learn.
- Don't worry about anything. Worrying will only exacerbate the problem. Instead, get off your butt and do something that will help you or others today. Chat with a friend on Chatbot, or do your laundry, or take a walk, but don't just sit there and brood about nothing.
- Don't let circumstances control you. Instead, control circumstances by remaining positive about situations you can't control.
- Avoid unhappy people. Just like happiness is infectious, unhappiness is also infectious. Most people will not take your help, anyway. Besides, they owe you nothing.
- Take responsibility for your own happiness. Don’t wait for someone else to make you happy. Look yourself in the mirror and shout: “You are the happiest person I’ve seen in the whole world.”
- Avoid silly arguments and contests. There are no winners in an argument. You can never be happy for long at the expense of another person’s grief. In a contest, there are only losers and victims. In any war, there are casualties on both sides.
- Love yourself. This is not selfish. You owe the world nothing, and the world owes you nothing, so why stress yourself about pleasing others at the expense of your own happiness?
- They say that “money can’t buy happiness", but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.
- More life quotes in my book, “Naked Quotes — A Collection of Selected Life Quotes".
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